Sunday, February 28, 2010

session 7

Updated 03/16/2010

Annotated Bibliography



Freire, A. P., Linhalis, F., Bianchini, S. L., Fortes, R. P.M., Pimentel, da

Graça M. C.., (2009, September), Computers & Education, 54 (4), pp

866-876, 11p, Retrieved March 9, 2010, from EBSCOhost (Academic

Search Elite) database (AN 48402052).


Revealing the whiteboard to blind students was the main topic of the article. The article talks about the difficulty with e-learning when dealing with students with disabilities. They talk about including blind students in a live on line class with software called “Whiteboard”. They use a live mediator to help the student navigate through the on line session. The student is able to use screen readers and follow along with the text. This approach proved to be effective with blind students and allowed the student to stay on topic with the class.


I thought this was a very interesting because I am always looking at ADA compliance issues in our office. It appears there are some glitches, but if the general text is written in a word type format the reader will read what is being written. I thought this concept was close to Nate’s captions for ADA because you could hear the power point if you were blind and you could read the captions if you were Deaf or hearing impaired.



Carchiolo, Vincenza, Longheu, Alessandro, Malgeri, M., (2010 May),

Information Sciences, 180 (10), pp. 1893-1907, 15p,Retrieved date

March 9, 2010, EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier) database,

(AN 48472591).


This article was about the reliability of using Websites and talks about the vast amount of information available for people to access. They simulated a data search using Advogato, Epioions and Ariadne data sets and tested the efficiency and effectiveness of the sites. The article promotes user’s to participate in blog, wikis and folksonomies and use personal experiences and knowledge. The article goes on to talk about trust and designing your e learning with trust in mind and talks about personalizing the classes based on trust.


I do not recommend. The article was super long and was not clear on how to use trust until later in the paper. I was still confused on the topic and the abstract was of little help.



Wang, Tzu-Hua. (2010 May) Web-based dynamic assessment: Taking

Assessment as teaching and learning strategy for improving students’ e-

Learning effectiveness, Computers & Education, 54 (4), pp 1157-

1166, 10p, EBSCOhost (Academic search Elite) (AN 48402080).


This article takes different assessments and tried to develop a multiple-choice Web-based assessment system. The test subjects were 116 sixth graders from 4 classes and were divided up into testing groups. The new assessment they tried received higher test scores than the traditional testing.


I liked the article, I had to write down what all the acronyms were so when I was reading I did not get lost. The testing ideas were very interesting and I would recommend reading the article.



Jara, Magdalena, Mellar, H. (2009 October) Computers & Education, 54

(3), pp709-714, 6p EBSCOhost (Academic Search Elite) database,

(AN 47824559).


The text is discussing the difference in student feedback in writing verse on-line feedback. The study is trying to get the students perspective from their college courses. They found in there research that students gave through feedback if asked in modules instead of at the end of the class. Many colleges offer students to give feedback at the module and end of the class offering a stronger feedback from the students.

They used 4 classes in higher education in the UK. They met with the staff and students and tried to compare to online learning classes. What they found was the questions were not based the same from class to class. The theory was not substantiated.


Interesting paper, I would like to see more research on classes and the students opinion of the classes. This was a long document but easier to read than most. I would recommend if you were interested in analyzing feedback from your students.

Annotated Bibliography

Alice Pedersen


Kuboni, O. (2009). Role of the local centre in strengthening student support in UWI's distributed learning programmes. Distance Education, 30(3), 363-381., doi:10.1080/01587910903236528

Summary: This article is stating that the classic school building is no longer necessary. The components to make distance-learning possible is outsourcing the local building. The research is stating revisiting the requirement of the local study centre in areas if technologies and education.

Review: The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC) has paid greater attention to this aspect of its operations during a two-year project to transform its distance delivery mode from one based primarily on a combination of print-based materials and face-to-face tutorials to a distributed learning mode in which almost all of the teaching–learning interaction would take place online, using the learning management system (LMS) Moodle. (363)” The experiment included instructors, E-Tudors and student. The population was thirty education site students willing to pilot the new program. The E-Tudors were like grad students at CSUSB, they answer questions, keep the grades and make sure the students are on task. The experiment asked for regular feedback from the students to improve the distant learning style. The article found that there was a need for the home building sites and the interaction between the two working together would benefit the over all education experience. This was based off of not all student have a strong educational experience.

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