Sunday, February 14, 2010

Session 5 New Media

In all the new technology I am dipping my head into, Facebook is a new and easy way to communicate. I started a Facebook page in Fall quarter during the class ETEC 500. I would more than likely have two Facebook sites one for students and the other for my family and friends. I have found you can make announcements on your page and all of your friends can see your announcements. You can use Facebook like our blog where you can write what ever you want, also there is a place you can post papers. A lot of people on Facebook are using it like twitter, ‘I am going out with my family’ blab la bla . I find it interesting but a little to busy sometimes. The draw back with Facebook is all the games people play on the site, it really blog it down so you miss what people are saying. That is one of the main reason I would have a professional account and a family account, I believe it would be the only way to keep my life separate.

As a future teacher you could post announcements for the students and you also could post paper information. The students could respond on your wall. I like being able to communicate with students, so they could find a way to have access to the assignments.

On Facebook you can click on the plus sign and add video or notes. You could add a tab for your students. You can also follow other groups and it will show up on your Facebook.

The draw back for me is at my college we are not allowed to use Facebook, twitter or blogging per our Dean. I am hoping with the knowledge I am learning we could put some of our info to students on some of the new media to help communicate deadlines and basic requirements.

My site is under my whole name Alice Smith Pedersen


  1. What features of Facebook would work for eLearning? I think that it has some possibilities and would like to see some specific activities expanded on.

  2. That is what is so strange and maybe a power struggle with different departments/colleges on campus. Even the main campus has a Facebook account and it is very useful in announcing events and posting emergencies - wind, class closures, etc - but a lot of deans/directors will not allow thier employees to use it!!
