Friday, January 29, 2010

Session #3

Session 3

I work on campus and I really enjoy learning about all the technology that is available to me. In using Talk shoe to listen to Dr. Jim Monaghan and hear Dr Newberry talk and see all the questions that were being asked, I was almost at sensor overload. I did settle in and learned quite a bit about campus and the support that the campus offers.

Blackboard is one of the main tools that the campus supports. Dr. Monaghan talked about a lot of features that Blackboard has available to professors. I have not use even half of the tools available to campus while using blackboard. I wish as a student that professors would use blackboard more. It really helps a student to use one particular tool and maybe the professors would use different tools than another one, so growth will still happen. I find it difficult when each professor have different web page they use for us to post our work, more passwords for us to learn and keep straight. This is even more challenging when I am learning a difficult topic and on top of that a different on-line system.

There was some talk about on-line learning and the drop out rate of classes with on-line vs. physically attending classes. On-line learning appears to be easier to drop out of than attending a class. Dr Newberry talked about the fact that if you are old school you want to go on line at the schedule time to finish your work. They were also talking about the flexibility of e learning. I am off work right now and doing homework, I prefer the flexibility of being able to do my homework whenever I can fit it in my busy schedule. Dr Monaghan brought up the cost of e learning, I thought it would be very cheap but he stated it is more expensive and not the moneymaker that Universities thought it would be.

In retrospect as an 18-year-old freshman, attending school may be the way for success. In the same tone a mother that is staying at home with daycare issues maybe more successful with on line classes, I would also assume any adult that wants to come back to school would benefit with on line.

One of the items that surprised me was the job opportunity…Dr. Monaghan stated there were a lot of opportunities for technology-based majors. I was under the impression that with staff being better skilled there was less need for tech personal. I was please that jobs are out there in this field.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Session 2

Focus Questions for Chapter 1 and 4 (Waterhouse, S. A. The power of eLearning) and CMS/LMS Investigation

1. Central to our investigation of eLearning Technologies and Methods is gaining an understanding of Learning Management Systems (LMS) sometimes also called Course Management System (CMS) software. Chapter 1 of our text discusses the functionality of typical LMS/CMS, identifying four major categories. What are those categories?

1. Distribution of course information

2. Student-instructor and student-student communications

3. Student interaction with course resources

4. Online testing and grading

2. What LMS/CMS software do you currently use or plan to use? Explain what you know about your system's functionality in each of the four areas identified by the book. (If you don't have access to LMS/CMS software just use Blackboard for your discussion in this area.)

a) I really do like using Blackboard! The distribution of the course information is available usually under the topic of Course Documents. Almost every professor puts their syllabus under, class assignments and important paper information that we the student each has at the tip of are fingers. I really like the ability to pull up the syllabus to check out something on my lunch hour and I don’t have to worry if I left my bag at home with the paper copy. This is also nice if there is a correction, because the most up to date documents can be posted with ease.

b) The professors can use the announcements button to communicate with the students… They can let us know if something has changed, reminders, campus emergencies. Basically any item that comes to their mind and they want to tell us before class starts can be put on announcement. Student –student communication is made easier with everyone in your classes e-mail address. When you have a problem or question for the class you can send out a blanket e-mail and get at least a few responses back very quickly. You can also see other students posting to questions, sometimes other students think out side of the box and really stimulate my thinking.

c) Student interaction with course resources-You can also see other students posting to questions, sometimes other students think out side of the box and really stimulate my thinking. Discussion boards were scary the first time I used them, but after I posted my post about 10 times and Lonelle calling me to tell me to stop it. I finally figured it out. The professor can put any type of link that would be helpful up under assignment or course documents. Many of my professors had sample items posted for what they were looking for and I found this as well to be very helpful.

d) Online testing and grading. I like taking the testing on line. I prefer it if the instructor gives you more than one time to take the test. When the test is given with a bubble type test, the grading comes back immediately. Which allows me time to look up missed answers. I have also had test where short answers were required, the instructor was able to give feed back that I could review.

3. Chapter 1 of our text identifies six steps for getting started with eLearning. Discuss each step and use each step as a springboard for discussing what you want to do with eLearning either now or in the future.

a) Ask yourself why- I would like to offer an on-line class to incoming freshman. I could offer the class to high school seniors to help them get ready for college. With the class being on line, the student might remember some jewel I shared with them and want to re look at the material and they could still access it.

b) Make a commitment- I would make a commitment to keep updated material and have back up copies. I would test the information on a test group of new students and gain feedback on what I needed to improve.

c) Develop a new vision for your course and how you teach- this would be a new course and my vision of what I wish someone had told me when I went to college. I would incorporate power point and maybe some of the new tools I have been learning to make class more interesting. It would be nice to have a skit (drama) put in acting like freshman.

d) Determine the resources available to you- I am surrounded by people with incredible technology skills. Since I am at Cal State there is a multi media department, Library and more recourses than I am even aware I might need, right here on campus.

e) Acquire new technology skills and develop new instructional methods- I am finding new technology every day. Face book alone is a good tool to put information out to student. Updating and taking classes in an interest to get better aquatinted with what I will need in order to perform to the max. Always have ideas proofed many times to make sure students will understand what I am trying to portray.

f) Plan- making a basic outline of what I want to share and how I want to share is a good start with making a plan. Writing down Idea’s and brainstorming the ideas, wrapping up a basic outline of what I want and how I am going to get it. Most projects die because of lack of planning.

4. Chapter 4 of our text discusses the functionality of specific LMS/CMS tools in terms of being for one-way communication, two-way communication or for organization. Explain the key differences between one-way and two-way communication and identify the tools your LMS/CMS provides for each type of communication.

One-way communication is this is what I am telling you…now do it. Also writing some thing down and giving you a due date and it is up to you to turn in assignment on time and correctly with out two-way communication. Two-way communication is more like a conversation and allowing the students to have feedback. Texting is in my opinion a one-way communication even though it goes back and forth (many will not agree with that statement). You do not know if the other person really understands you. If you talk on the phone it is a two-way communication, you can hear inflection in the voice to let you know the tone of the conversation. Same way with blackboard the instructor tells you what they want. The student writes what is going on and then the student post and the professor adds his/her comments to the response the student wrote down.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ETEC 674 Session 1

My name is Alice Pedersen.

I am in the Career and Technical Masters Program and awaiting acceptance into the PPS School Counseling Program. I currently hold a Designated Subject Teaching Credential, but I am not teaching and have no experience teaching.
I am taking the ETEC classes for the certificate. I find my computer skills and Technology in general lacking, so I am trying to not be afraid of technology. Last quarter I took ETEC 500, I learned about websites and skyping. That was a very stressful class, I am now not afraid of Skype.

I have a fair amount of on-line class experience, most of it using Blackboard. I took about 4 EVOC classes on line and ETEC 546 on-line. Some of my hardest classes have been on line like Music 180.

My goals are to organizing my schedule, falling behind is my biggest fear. It is super hard to catch up if you fall behind taking on-line classes. I also like to see what other students have turned in, sometime it is very encouraging to me and helps me define a project I am working on.
Here goes for my first blog post.